d. Why is Hinduism difficult to understand?

d. Why is Hinduism difficult to understand?

In the West, often the material prepared to teach Hinduism has not been created by practitioners of the religion and thus lacks the understanding that only comes from actually living the tradition. Further, people (including Hindu youths in the West) exposed to Abrahamic faiths have certain expectations from a religion. Such comparative religion knowledge seekers get confused when they don’t find a specific answer in Hinduism. For example, Hinduism doesn’t have an origin, has no founder, has no commandment but provides lots of guidance. It has no “the” scripture but has a wealth of scriptures. Because of its wealth of scholarship, and traditions of many millenia, it takes time to appreciate the richness of Hinduism.

Other reading material:

Relevant videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWLf5qGmIhI

Contributor: Dilip Amin

URL of this page: hinduspeakers.org/ufaqs/z-why-is-hinduism-difficult-to-understand/

Category: 03. General
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