01 Sep Dilip Amin, Ph. D.
Dr. Dilip Amin worked as a researcher in the medical field for 42 years. He is a Director of the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition of the San Francisco Bay area, a certified speaker at Islamic Networks Group, and a Dharma Ambassador of Hindu American Foundation. He has co-authored the book Hindu Vivaha Samskara. He founded the web forum InterfaithShaadi.org and guided 1200 youths and summarized his experiences in the book–Interfaith Marriage: Share & Respect with Equality. He resides in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Dr. Dilip Amin responded and shared not only a prayer but told a personal story of how his life had been affected by mental health issues. He spoke with compassion and all present were moved by his words. For the few minutes he spoke, we felt his deep commitment to his faith. – Rev. William Kruse. Co-Chair of the Spirituality Initiative of the Office of Diversity and Equity of San Mateo County, California.
Dilip Amin and Gaurav Rastogi have brought depth and richess to my world religions class. Their life witness, calming presence, and passion for the Hindu tradition has instilled in my students a profound appreciation for the beauty of Hinduism. The practice of meditation and the reflections on how God is seen in relationships has provided students with amazing tools to continue to make sense of the mysteries of life. I am very grateful for their work! – Ismael Ruiz, M.A.T., Instructor, Religious Studies, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory School, San Francisco.

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