b. Do Hindus believe in heaven and hell?

b. Do Hindus believe in heaven and hell?

There is no eternal heaven or hell in Hinduism. Hell (naraka) and heaven (swarga) are a state of mind, brought about by our thoughts, and deeds. These states of mind result in a temporary astral orientation of the atman – naraka or swarga, wherefrom the next birth is determined.

The destiny of Hell or Heaven is NOT a permanent one in Hinduism.  The soul or jeeva moves through even these worlds, based on the past karmas.  When the results are exhausted, it moves on.  Sometimes coming back to a human form.

Thus, in Hinduism, if we do good deeds (punya), we are rewarded with a bout in swarga.  When the Credit Card balance runs out, we are kicked out. When too many sins (paapa) accumulated, we end up in naraka, where we are roasted like mirchi bajji (tempura).  But that is also temporary. 

The keeper of naraka is Yama Dharma Raaja, Lord of Justice, not a Satan of temptation or damnation.


Other reading material: Do Hindus believe in heaven or hell?

Relevant videos: Swami Nikhil Anand: Heaven in Hinduism, is it the same as in Christianity?, Hell in Hinduism, is it the same as in Christianity?, What is Sin

Contributor: Madhu Kopalle

Category: 13. Heaven and Hell
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