14 Sep a. Why Hindus don’t eat beef?
Non-violence (ahimsa) is one of the fundamental teachings of Hinduism. Killing another life form to service their dietary existence is, therefore, considered sacrilege. That being the foundation, most Hindu’s journey towards divinity is only complete when he or she takes care of all other beings. There are, however, situations in which eating animals becomes a necessity for various reasons–topography, climate, famines, etc. In those cases, Hindus do consume non-vegetarian foods. However, for reasons related to health/digestion consumption of less complex life forms is recommended – fish, chicken, etc. Cow being a mammal is not only a more complex life form but also happens to be a multi-utility animal. In addition to being a farm animal, it provides dairy and fuel, among other benefits. Killing a cow for food has never made an economic sense for an agrarian society in fertile lands where the Hindus have flourished for many millennia.
Cow, traditionally, being the center of a household in India holds an emotional place in a family as pets do. Just as we do not kill our pet dogs for food, Hindus do not kill cows for feeding themselves.
Other reading material: https://houseoflac.wordpress.com/2018/10/09/the-wedge-of-vegetarianism/
Relevant videos: Swami Nikhil Anand Hinduism Q & A: Why Do we eat Vegetarian Food? , Zakir Naik and Rajiv Malhotra
Contributor: Rajeev Singh
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